Project of the Skyline College /North San Mateo County Online Oral History
Archives, Skyline
College Library
Student project for LSCI 110
– Digital Oral Research Project,
Transitioning to a new life: Erlinda
By: Rizza May Valencia
Click on the links below to hear audio segments from a November 3,
2004 interview by Rizza
Erlinda, former airport screener.
7. 9/11 Impact on airport employees
8. Citizenship
9. Reapplying
10. Union Assistance and Airport tests
11. Discrimination
13. Speech samples
She introduces her family and spoke
where she is from. Then she gave us an
introduction of what was her occupation in the Philippines.
Erlinda spoke about her self-being a teacher
and what kind of activities or club she had participated in school.
The Erlinda Valencia’s family went to the
Erlinda spoke about how many kids she
is managing to take care of as a single parent and what she had done to be able
to take care of them. Erlinda also
talked about how she was able to get a job to support her children.
She introduces that working in the
airport is her occupation. She gave how
long she has been loyal and patient working in different companies of the
airport. She briefly explained what she did in the time of duty and how much
she was paid.
She gave some reasons why she liked
working in the airport.
9/11 Impact on airport employees
After the 9/11 the airport employees
where all laid off. Erlinda explains and
ask why where they to blame if the tragedy did not occur in their end.
The airport screeners who are not
citizens had to apply to become an American citizen, which she had done so that
they can try to get their jobs back.
After she received her citizenship she
would have to reapply to
Union Assistance and Airport tests
Erlinda decides to join the union so
that they can help her keep her job. The
Union had been an assistance to the laid off airport screeners. Though they didn’t get to help them keep
their job they had given them a hand to find other jobs or they would give them
temporary jobs so that they would get some kind of income. Then Erlinda mentioned that after she
reapplied they had told her and other laid off screeners, who became citizens
that they would have to take an airport test. They were segregated from laid
off screeners to new employees and she felt that it was a set up for the test.
Not so many of the laid off screener
got their job back and Erlinda will be talking about how the new employee’s who
has not had the experience she had got a job.
Erlinda, had gone through so much
after the 9/11 she still kept fighting to help her and her fellow immigrants to
keep there job in the airport. Besides
that, the union kept her busy by providing her temporary jobs. She also spoke about other activities to keep
her going. While she is laid off, she
also got the chance to travel to make speeches to people how immigrants are
being discriminated on. She is the one
that the press looks forward to in interviewing because she shows so much
passion on her job that she had been dedicated to.
In her speeches, she fought for the
rights of a person. She said it wasn’t there
fault about the tragedy of 9/11; it was some other airport’s flaw. She gave examples about an American citizen
who had fought against America.
Links to web pages and articles
that provide additional information:
in the Backlash: Erlinda Valencia, Pacifica Bay
News: Screeners Speak Out at Airport Commission Meeting
*These audio files may be played with Windows Media Player or Real Player.
To download a free copy of Windows
MediaPlayer, click here.
a free copy of Real Player, click here.
last revised: 1-21-05
by Eric Brenner, Skyline College, San Bruno, CA
These materials may be used for educational purposes if you inform and credit the
author and cite the source as:
Skyline College/North San Mateo County Online Oral History Archives, Skyline
College Library.
All commercial rights are reserved. To contact the author, or send comments or
suggestions email: Eric Brenner at: